Not even close to the original Red Faction
Red Faction 2 is not a bad game at all, it has a great arsenal of weapons, a lot of action, one of the funniest multiplayer modes ever and good sound, but the "Red Faction" name is just too big for this one.
Red Faction was built wit the Geo Mod engine that allowed you to destroy walls, roofs, etc. with random damage, This game was built on an "enhanced" version of this engine and the destruction doesn't look random like in the first game it looks like scripted,l and is nothing impresive.
The graphics are good but, scenarios look great but character models look ugly and deformed, and their designs are really ugly.
Not everything is bad, the voice acting is great and was made by great actors like Jason Strathan, Lance Henriksen, the multiplayer is very fun, weapons are good, the single payer campaign is long and good, but if you were waiting for the sequel of the legendary RED FACTION this is not it.