Well, if you played them all, you might want to try this one too.

User Rating: 6.8 | Red Faction II PC
Having played the original Red Faction your first impressions will be that these two games have very little in common, and unfortunately that the original was the better PC game. RF2 has a console feel to it, with bland graphics and primitive save system.

I am usually quite forgiving about lackluster production if the entertainment is good, but sadly RF2 misses out here as well. The so called story is a quick amalgamation of the most clichéed components of sci-fi shooters, you face an over the top dictator, the walking dead, betrayal and übersoldiers with glowing eyes. All the voice acting is hollow and uninspired, and most of it is drowned in the mayhem anyway.

There are loads of weapons to choose from. Overall they're fun to wield, although many are underpowered, and I've never played an FPS where you get the feeling you do nothing but reload weapons so often. The much flaunted Geo-Mod technology is what sets Red faction apart from the competition, and the ability to blast through walls is the best feature of the game. Sadly, it isn't put to use very often, but in the places where it is featured it adds a lot of immersion and experimentation to the fighting, although you remain on rails most of the time.

Overall, RF2 offers some good distraction, but it won't be long before you go back to your favourite shooters again.