A fun shooter with fully destructible environment. Lots of weapons, geomod, meets total recall.
The big thing that is hyped about red faction is the geomod. Fully destructible environments, and I must admit they are fun. Say for example you enter a room and some guards are in a security both off the main lobby...you could of course walk around and use the door to go in and fight them, or wait for them to come to you... Why not use some heavy weapons to blow the walls out and got after them, or blow the door off the booth and wade in firing. suffice it to say Geomod is a blast.
The story is straightforward and works, fight the evil oppressor, it is always good for an excuse to kill a bunch of npcs.
I sadly never played multiplayer on this back in the day. now that I reinstalled it and actually tried to play multiplayer it froze my pc up. I did a little research and it seems THQ totally abandoned the game, but that game is set to go to the THQ master server when you click multiplayer. End result: game freezes and you can't go anywhere. It would be nice if THQ patched this or if someone has a work around for it(I have yet to find one). All I have found is online petitions for THQ to reestablish or fix the multiplayer aspect.
Bummer, it seems like it would be fun to play online with levels being progressively destroyed and altered in each match.