Go out and paint the towns red, Kurenai.
Okay, then.
The inventor of the gun is killed the blueprints and his assistant are stolen and Kurenai, the gunmaker's daughter, is left hanging from a Sakura tree. She's found by Chiyome, who is amazed to find that Kurenai is still alive. "Alive?" Kurenai replies. "No. But, I'm not dead."
That's the set up for Red Ninja, which claims to be about Kurenai's quest for vengeance. Actually, she becomes a ninja for the Takeda clan and, coincidentally, her missions involve the Black Lizard, the ninjas who strung her up years ago and, what do ya know, the blueprints for the gun.
Kurenai's weapon is the tetsugen, which consists of the wire she was almost killed with which has a blade on the end. Later on there's also a hook attatchment and a weight attatchment for the tetsugen.
While Red Ninja isn't as slick as the PS2 Tenchu games, it does have it's values. The tetsugen's ability to skewer and slice at a distance is fun and Red Ninja provides you with plenty of ways to creatively kill you enemies. You can slice off their heads at a distance, you can hang them, drag them into the water and drown them, chop off their legs, sneak up and garrote them with the wire. Plus the hook attatchment provides tons of Spider-Man style swinging fun.
While the bloodshedding can be fun, the obstacles are a pain due to the lackluster camera system. I did find there were times where I was seriously frustrated by the lousy camerawork. (The auto-targeting helps) And getting up close with the enemy gets very annoying, very fast.
So, sure. It's not Tenchu, bif you feel like watching having a sexy ninja in red slice up some half-witted victims, Red Ninja can be fun.