Red Ninja: Ok i like this game ALOT! its really good despite the critics! You should check it out like...
User Rating: 7.5 | Red Ninja: End of Honour PS2
Ok so its not a tenchu or a bushido blade! but you use stealth and the bosses are quite difficult. The graphics are nice and so are the layouts and areas. The combat can be slightly repetitive but as you progress the guards,bosses and so on get harder. The items are fun to play with such as; walking on water, jumping extra high,being invisible. It has the usual shuriken,kunai, smoke bombs etc. The tetsugen is fun to use aswell. It can be used to hang,slach,stab and decapitate. They sould have had more stealth attacks but you have the hook,from which you can swing,which can be entertaining. You also have the fundo which you use to hang or pull your enemys to the ground. It can be used for stealth too. Red Ninja's controls are functional. They dont cause much of a hassle, not enough to stop you buying the game. The storyline wont be as good as the likes of Final fantasy but its still good all the same. The voices are nice and Zenzo is hot (btw). You will like the relationships between them and the plot twists(so no your not just going on missions and its in daylight half the time too).Theres also a good tutorial aswell in the menu. Its a good game if your not going to buy it you should at least rent it.