Disappointment! Don't waste you money.

User Rating: 1.5 | Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad PC
I played Ro1 for 4 years. For me Red Orchestra (original) is a greatest FPS ever. RO2 is bad mix of BF/COD, bugs and even more bugs. This is unfinished product. Maps are poorly made and teamwork doesn't exist. RO2 will never become as RO1 was and can be called a fail. I know some people like this game, and I am not going to say it is trash. But I am not alone here, and I know countless people who refuse to even play the game anymore due to its instability. What's worse is that BF3is coming out right away, and its beta is more stable than the current release of RO2, so I doubt I will bother trying to mend this broken title into playable form using half-arsed TW tutorials and user provided solutions. Lets talk about controls: Left CTRL is a magic button. With this button you can hide behind wall, give ammo, pick up weapon, use bandage. Problem is for example if a weapon is near a wall and than you have a hard time if you wish to pick it up.