I was a fan of the first one, and there are some great improvements in this one, but bugs still hurt.
In these things they have still more or less succeeded, but of course, ive always got my gripes.
Its another case of being on a wicked connection, on a fairly new pc with decent hardware, and i just get SCREWED. Its just too much transfer these days for shooters to handle.
I had originally picked this game up as a preorder, and after a few weeks after release had rage quit. This is partly because im playing on a 15' monitor (lol), and they chose to do the game in dull greys and browns for the enemy units, and for the surrounding buildings and countryside etc.
It just made it entirely impossible to see anything in addition to a fairly clunky interface and a few other problems which could just slow game play to a crawl, but they seem to have made improvements from what i can tell regarding many of these issues.
There still seems a bit of chunkiness with the interface when you try and move, but this can be mostly minimalized with repetition.
I still just cant handle the lag tho. Its just brutality time after time, and you'd think you could use some of this lag to your advantage, but i always seem to get the short end, even when totally having the jump on someone. Just kinda kills the point for me.
I gave bf3 a 7.0 and it deserved a 8.5 but for its technicalities and lag, this one got a 7.5 but deserved maybe even a 9.0 but for its.