Best 1st person and Tank WWII Combat simulation to date

User Rating: 8.5 | Red Orchestra: Ostfront 41-45 PC
I have been playing 3d shooters since wolfenstein 3d and i always was very skeptic about ever seen a true 1st person perspective combat simulation/enviroment, since most shooters tend to be too arcade. When i got Red Orchestra i was first somewhat dissapointed because of Steam interphase (which i was not familiar with by then), but I did see that the game had no arcade aspect whatsoever, that was a reward for me. Red Orchestra is a Multiplayer game. I found it somewhat hard at first, but I started to get the hang of it pretty soon thanks to the practice mode in which you can setup AI soldiers to fight by your side and against you through the different maps that the game delivers. I like to think this is as real as it gets since suppression, cover, tactics and maneouvers and teamplay is a must to survive and overrun the enemy. There is a major bonus that this game offers and that is tank warfare. The tank simulation is a completely different experience than that of the infantry perspective. Tank models are good as well as the damage model. Tank battles are fought on torn down towns, cities and rural areas of the eastern front with or without the threat of AT infantry and guns present and some maps are huge allowing tank battles over 1,000 meters.

Red Orchestra community is very active, and the game goes on and on thanks to the modding community and the map builders which enhance replay value for ages. There is a superb mod calle Darkesthour which instead of original Red Orchestra is based on the Western front D-DAY and onwards, with superb allied weapons depictions of British and American armies.

If you want a ww2 shooter but not and arcade ww2 shooter type and like WW2 Tanks & vehicles do yourself a favor and get yourself Red Orchestra, you won't be dissapointed at all.