Ubisoft rights the wrongs with this rebooting of the Wii launch title
Presesntation: The original style and story is something that can't be missed. There are tons of control options to tweak to suit your style 8.5/10
Graphics: Awesome visuals, running at 60 frames per second. Some of the best seen on the Wii -- passerbys may confuse it for a 360 or PS3 game.9.5/10
Sound: The atmospheric soundtrack is awesome. Voice acting is appropriately cheesy but it's the music that's king here 9/10
Gameplay: The game runs into some issues of misreading some motions, but for the most part we're looking at one energetic action game
Lasting Apeal: It's not super long but it's an appropriate dozen hours from start to finish. Challenge mode extends that. 7/10
Overall: 8.5/10
final verdict: buy it if your and FPS fan