The scuttlebutt is correct - this game bores.
The story centers around Japanese gangs, and their acquirement of your character's girlfriend. Chasing after the Wiimote fodder through shops, car garages, hangers, and finally, Tokyo got old really quickly. Ultimately, the writing is entirely forgetable.
The graphics make this game more difficult than it has to be. Beginning with enemies that you have to squint at the TV to see if they're at a distance, to just muddy-looking textures and a bland color palate make t his game difficult to look at, much less play.
The controls - specifically with the Wiimote - left me dizzy. There should be some calibration setting that allows you to adjust how quickly your pointing at the side of the screen rotates the camera. I spent too much time fighting the camera, between attempting to turn around and simply aiming at an enemy at the side of my screen.
Overall, this game isn't necessarily BAD, but it simply isn't good either. Rent it at best, but avoid even the bargain bin while there are so many better shooters (Metroid Prime, Conduit) out there.