Not For All, but Some Definitly Will Enjoy it For It's Unique Control Scheme

User Rating: 7 | Red Steel WII
Red Steel. The much hyped game has been looked forward to since the Wii was first announced. One thing to remember, much like Excite Truck, is that this is a launch title and it is quite good. Much like the XBox 360 and its extremely easy achievments on launch, this game is not going to be perfect. I believe that the GameSpot review exagerated the cons of the game. While playing, i have only seen a few glitches and that was because i was sitting in a bad place for the Wii remote. I will also admit that the audio is very corny and is very stupid. In addition, it is odd how the sword fight pops out of nowhere. But the fact that the it automaticly switches to the sword is a necessity because if you could shoot the sword weilders, then the sword would be entirely uselsess.