Quite frankly an enjoyable game for the Wii launch

User Rating: 9.4 | Red Steel WII
Red Steel was a game that was said to be the next gen fps for the Nintendo Wii. As soon as the news got out people were thrilled. They too believed it would take Nintendo to the lead with a "revolutionary" new fps. Unforunately, it turned out not as great as many expected. They said it was all hype for nothing,but,in my opinion, they are all wrong. Red Steel is a great game. It does take some getting used to with the controls,but once you learn them you'll find yourself enjoying this game. The story is not that great and doesnt really seem to have a point as you spend the game going after your girlfriend,Miyu. The gameplay is enjoyable once your able to control the guns control pretty smooth and are mostly easy to use. The sword fights are challenging at some points and rather exciting. For what kind of graphics we have seen so far on the Wii, Red Steel's graphics are impressive. The enviroments are detailed and colorul, you can interact with most of it from time to time such as blowing up certain objects to take out a group of enemies. It also has nice sound effects, like when objects blow up or you shoot a gun and reload it, it sounds pretty realistic. Overall Red Steel is quite entertaining once you overcome its mildy challenging controls. Aside from that this is a great game,and you should check it out for a new fps experience on the Wii.