Great attempt

User Rating: 7 | Red Steel WII
This was a great launch title attempt for the Wii. It showed the capabilities of the motion sensor controls. The game really does respond to your hand motion, in terms of the aiming of the controller and the swinging of the sword. Even the throwing the grenade is pretty cool. That being said, I think the game was not tested before it was released. There are several times where I try to turn left and the game starts spinning. Kind of annoying I think. The graphics are not good, not at all. I understand that the Wii creates the games for the playability and the fun of motion control, but the view stinks. It feels like you are looking through some sort of concave like lens, hard to see.

Video's could have greatly improved the story line, instead they do still motion, sort of comic book style. Other things drive you crazy as well. It was a great idea, I hope other companies explore the capabilities of the Wii like this game did, but polish it up a bit.