Apart from a few bugs here and there, this game is pretty cool!

User Rating: 8.6 | Red Steel WII
The Story isn't very deep or complex but it's told pretty well. Basically, your fiance' has been kidnapped and it's your job to track her down and kill the enemies.

To do this you will utilise various weapons including Shotguns, Uzis, Rifles and the much hyped Katana.

The game starts with you and your fiance in a hotel room. You both go to meet her father and that's when things kick off.

You get thrown in to fire fights galore learning different tricks and strategies along the way.

Red Steels controls are very simple to learn. You use the Wii remote and the Nunchuck set up with the Wii Remote used to Aim and shoot and the control stick on the Nunchuck to move. Thrusting the Nunchuck in different directions will perform various actions. For example, thrusting the nunchuck down will either pick up a weapon, reload or or open a door depending on the situation. While flicking it up will knock tables over to give you cover. C is used to jump and Z willwill toggle the standing and crouching positions.

As I mentioned before the Wii remote is used for Aim and shooting your gun. The D-Pad is used for switching between weapons and B is to fire your gun. Holding down A will allow to fine aim. Movinng the controller forwards and backwards while holding A will let you zoom in and out. This is great for when people are hiding or are quite a distance away.

When it comes to the sword fighting the Wii Remote is your katana and the nucnchuck controls a smaller sword that you can defend attacks with. You can use the control stick and C to dodge But thrusting the nucnchuck at the correct time will defend from sword strikes.

The controls work really well for the most part. All the buttons respond and are laid out perfectly. Sometimes the aiming reticule will go a bit crazy on you and your charcter will look like he's having some kind of fit but this hasn't really happened much to me and doesn't really affect the game much.

The actual aiming system works very well. It's easy to look around and aim at people but it can be a bit sensitive at times. Luckily there is an option to chage the sensitivity but I feel the default option works best.

The sword fighting could of used more work considering how hyped it had been. It's not too bad though as it's easy to defend and strike at an enemy, though the action your character makes doesn't always mimic what you've done. For instance Slashing the Remote down could have your character shashing from right to left. This does make it a little less enjoyable as you don't feel as much in control as you do in the rest of the game.

There are quite a lot of weapons to use in this game. You start off with a regular handgun but enemies will drop anything like Uzis, Shotguns and rifles. You can also use hand grenades and rocket launchers.

Enemies are quite smart in this game. They don't just run in to the line of fire. Sometimes they do but most of the time they'll look for the nearest cover. Thes range from walls, behind sofas and knocked over tables. Basically, whatever you'd use as cover, they'll use.

Red Steel as some great visuals depending on how you look at them. Compared to PS3 and XBOX 360 games , Red Steel looks terrible. But compared to the latest GC titles and current Wii games, this is one of the best looking games on the Wii. The highlight of the graphics are the characters. The textures look great as do the models and their animations. The environments have a lot of detail and great lighting.

Red Steel has a unique look to it that fits well with the story and it's locations.

The music and sound is pretty well done. There's a great soundtrack throughout the game changes to suit the location. And the music will pick up the pace when there's a lot of action going on. The sound effects are great especially with the added feature of the sound of your gun firing and reloading coming through the Wii Remote's speaker.

All of the effects sound realistic from gun shots, and explosions to footsteps and other background noises. The only thing that could have been better is the voice acting. Enemies sound ok when they shout various things at you but the cut scenes seems hindered abit by the voice actors lack of enthusiasm.

Apart from Single player, Red Steel features support for up to four people with splitscreen.

I haven't played much of this as I've been too addicted to the Single player but Multiplayer is pretty decent. You can have regular deathmatches or there is another mode where you can use the Wii remote as a phone to take orders from someone. So you could be ordered to kill a certain player and another could be ordered to protect him. This is a pretty original mode which would be a great addition to any other shoot 'em up.

Overall Red Steel is an awesome game. It's not without it's problems like most games but it's easy to over look these problems realise how great this game is. If you are anything like me, you won't want to put it down after 10 minutes!