You play as a guy named Scott who tries to rescue his fiancèe, whom has been kidnapped by some a gang of yakuzas. You go around shooting gangsters and ninjas, which is cool. The sword fights are pretty great, personly I don't agree too much with Greg Kasavin's review. (Though I am kind of a fan, and I am sad that he quit on GameSpot.) The sword fights don't feel like cavemen clubbing each other, but it doesn't feel like your a highly skilled samurai either. But personly I didn't wanna pick on anything so I don't really care. The explosions is some of the greatest things in the game, and the voice acting is pretty good too. And it takes around 10 hours to complete, with 14 missions and each mission lasting about 30-50 minutes.
In the end Red Steel is a great game and is worth a look.
Ubisoft Paris first unveiled their first Nintendo Wii game since E3 2006 and back then, the graphics were nasty, the gameplay was clumsy, and the controls were just hard... Well. One and a half years later, the graphics ... Read Full Review
The protagonist's hand tilts just as you tilt your hand in real space, holding your pistol with dat gangsta grip. Where you wave, your gun aims. You pull the B-button "trigger" on the Wii remote and gunfire eru... Read Full Review