Red steel is an ok game, but a great FPS on the wii

User Rating: 7.3 | Red Steel WII
Ok so I'm finally doing my red steel review. let me make clear that i havent beaten red steel yet but i think i have seen enough to write this review. so when i first saw the trailer for red steel posted right here on game spot i thought wow i gota get it. so i finally did and in a way im impressed in another way im not. first off the graphics were a pretty big complaint in gamespot's review i didn't notice many graphical flaws, i personnaly thought this game had nice graphics and lighting, but not the best. Another complaint is the sound, though the music kicks in at very good times like right in the middle of an intense gun fight. the vioce acting is absolutly terrible people in the game sound cheesy and hard to understand. Now for the gameplay on my grandparent's 32" flat screen tv aiming in red steel was a pain. but when i moved it to my smaller 17" tv the aiming got a lot better. So red steel has some goods and some bads if you think it looks good you should definatly try this . but if it doesnt look interetsing to you then avoid it.