Great in concept, less so in execution.
The visual design is great, it definitely has a French feel to it. UE3 pulls off some pretty impressive vistas despite the ageing tech, and the environments are beautifully detailed. Music too is great, really dig Olivier DeRiviere's score.
The game starts out interestingly enough, but unfortunately it's all downhill from there.
The gameplay, in short, consists of simple platforming รก la Prince of Persia, and an Arkham-lite combat system. Naturally, neither of these things are as interesting here as they are in the games they are borrowed from. The combat isn't helped by punch-sponge enemies and a build-your-own-combo-system that feels like a wasted opportunity. It feels shallow, and it becomes a monotonous drag after the first 1-2 hours, after which only the visual design and story is left to keep you going.
Unfortunately, the game cannot keep this up either, as you start to revisit the same areas again and again. I think you go back to La Bastille in 3 of the 8 episodes, and Memorize in 2 of them. So while you won't really be backtracking through the exact same areas, they still look the same thematically. Another problem is the linearity; the game is a corridor, period. Or several corridors to be more precise, as you will spend most of the time running through nothing but actual indoors corridors, and it gets old. I actually stopped bothering to look at the beautiful environment after a while due to the repetition, as I just wanted to be done with the game.
As for the story... well, it's not terrible, but it's not particularly great either, with plenty of unexplained plotholes (unless I'm just really poor at paying attention), and lack of motives. You are pretty much just told to go get the memories of a guy in the beginning of a level, then you do so, and then you move onto the next level. You never get the sense of what you are actually fighting against until the very end of the game, and even then, it's not very interesting. So much squandered potential that could have been used to create a world and characters you would actually be interested in...alas.
All in all, Remember Me is an okay game at best, and I feel rather generous giving it a 6.0. It's not particularly fun to play, it's not very investing, and it's not very long (although it certainly felt like it due to the poor pacing). It's the kind of game you say: "nice try, please come again later." I hope this game will get a sequel at some point that makes this IP a great one, because for the moment, it's only a reminder (get it?) of unfulfilled potential that could have been so much more...