A game ripe with ideas and an intriguing story that pulls you in.
Combat is a plus. Nilin can mix and match combos to her liking to create a unique effect such as healing or bonus damage.
The combos are easy to master and anyone can learn them quickly. The combat is free flowing but is easily interrupted by
enemy attacks which are sometimes difficult to dodge. This can be frustrating especially during and long combo. There are
also special "power up" abilities that can be used to change the tide of battle, this is where the combat system shines.
An array of enemies will be at your disposal and you will always unlock and learn new combos which removes some of the repetitive gameplay.
The story is where the game shines, it is excellent and well worth the play-through. A few twists and turns keep you wondering when the story will end. You also have the ability throughout the story to "Remix" memories. This means you can rewind, fast-forward, pause and change the course of someone's memory. I thought this was a fantastic and unique feature which added a a nice variation to the linear level navigation and repetitive combat.
Overall, Remember Me is worth the buy if you love a good story, fast-paced Capcom combat and beautifully crafted
environments. A lack of replay value except for retrieving collectibles is disappointing but you won't be bored your first
time around.