Deep down, you see a fun game wanting to get out that is overriden by all of the apperant flaws.
User Rating: 2.1 | Rengoku: The Tower of Purgatory PSP
If you know me well, you should know that I like RPG's. Good news: it's an action-RPG; bad news: it is the second worst action-RPG. EVER!!! Worse than Arc the Lad: End of Darkness. The problem starts with the controls. Your character, Adam, is more like a tank than a versatile warrior. The camera can't seem to make up its mind. At one point it has no problem keeping up with you. On the other hand, it constantly gets stuck in millions of corners. The sound is pretty good, but sometimes you will have to turn it off due to repititious music and a complete lack of voiceovers. The graphics aren't even competent when compared to XMLII, Kingdom Hearts and Fable. Now where does that take me back to? *Flashback of Diablo II review* "When it comes down to gameplay, Diablo II has the most boring gameplay you will ever experience." No, it's not as bad as Diablo II. But the slow pacing and uncontrollable camera makes this a sour experience. Deep down, you see a fun game wanting to get out that is overriden by all of the apperant flaws.