RPG-Light – and not bad at all!
First the bad points: The graphics are 'okay' but nothing too special and the dialogue sounds like something recorded on a cassette in the 70s. That is a well known issue and fortunately there is not much of it anyway. The music isn't good either. Note also it is fairly linear and split into specific areas though within each region you can have a bit of a wander around and do what you want. The instructions are minimal, which in some ways is good if you get easily bored with manuals the size of a novel that come with many games but it would be better to know a bit more about the controls as I still haven't worked out if combat is just a clickfest or requires a bit more skill, especially with the special moves. In any case it is enjoyable and on 'Normal' the difficulty feels about right.
Now the good points: Nice levelling system that reminds me a lot of Rage of Mages (an ancient 'RPG' that was loads of fun and I played it to death) – basically the more you do something, the better you get at it. Obvious really but in most games you can hack away with your sword for hours on end only to level up and spend the XP you have earned on archery or anything else you like. You don't have to worry about that here; you just do what you want and you will improve those skills. At the same time you get bonus points to spend on the usual constitution, strength, dexterity etc and special skills that either enhance things passively or get tagged to combat/weapons, which can then be selected with a roll of the mouse wheel. The combat is pretty good too. It's very satisfying to knock an enemy over and then finish them off while they are on the ground (and I will never get bored with the legs-in-the-air animation as they go a over t when you knock them down!).
It's a good game with a low profile and well worth a look for a few sovs.