What a fantastic game, a bit short. Got it today and finished it! There is no free roam or anything of the sort, the plot is straight forward and linear. Shoot outs are fast and full of action, the cover mode is a little annoying, so is the driving, plenty of blood and guns though (i can see why its banned in australia). The bullet mode type thing is pretty cool, kill enough people and you can press triangle, the screen then fly's around your character and then into super slow motion. Pick you shots and watch the filth die. Like i said its quite short for you experienced players out there but playing it on normal should give you a little difficulty. Unlocked some cheats, have no idea what they do and also some film clips and alternate endings so far. If you like shooting cops buy it, if you live in austrailia.......download it! 8.5/10
Graphics. The graphics are nothing to groundbreaking they could have definitely be improved, the characters look very soft and some (nice guy eddie) look very odd, as for the rest they arnt bad, blonde looks like blonde... Read Full Review
Good Game, one for the fans really.. far too short also, completed it in no time, Fantasic soundtrack tho. You get to play the parts of all the guys from the movie, most of the game is basically run, shoot, kill and t... Read Full Review