Giddy up little doggy this ain’t the greatest game it’s a pile of dog s***.
User Rating: 3.9 | Reservoir Dogs PC
Well what can I say since, GTA which had a new style to the genre of Action/adventure. But since the years the market of the genre many developers are trying to cash in on the same genre from Movies such as The Godfather, another title that you think would have been big, bad sadly an offer you could refuse. What’s bad about this title is start of the game the controls of the move seems to mainly aimed at console users, The initial story starts basically the same as the film itself, the game offers you to play through out the characters of the heist of the bank job, but the missions/chapters get very repetitive with the same concept of finding files hiding in lockers and store rooms to picking up civilians to make an escape. The game play of the car missions I found to easy the control part was easy but with only the option to selection normal or easy is made, and you could easily picked off the game play hours, with the theses short chapter missions. Well what works for the game only really think is the use of sound, from the music that co-insides with the film its good to hear the Stealers Wheelers, and the classic The lime and the coconut, however if your not careful the game cycles round the same tracks and again it becomes strain to listen to classic tunes from the motion film. The sound of the weapons aren’t too bad with the environment sound to the use of vocals however, the rigging of prop sound you find are synchronised up to the greatest standard.
Overall playing the game only takes about 7-8hrs if that, as there the only two options of difficulty to choose your find there isn’t much of a difference in game play. There’s an added option to play the game again to unlock an alternative ending, but from what I played you really won’t to revisit the past with the game, as its doesn’t added any new features to play the game a second time, and is it really worth the ending since Quentin Tarantino didn’t offer support to the creative story change, of the stories ending it nothing to be missed. This game is certain best to be left to wash away down the reservoir and best forgotten.