Not to great a game. The driving portions of the game are horrible nad the car is difficult to control. Let alone the time limits they gove you for some of the missions. The walking/shooting portions are marginally better, but still come up short compared to some of the other stuff out there. Basically, this is a game that you get if you really loved the move and are curious as to what happened during all of the gaps in the movie: How did the heist go down? How did everyone get back to the warehouse? Where did Mr. Blonde get the cop? Etc. I wasn't expecting much in the way of a game and I was still a little disappointed.
Graphics. The graphics are nothing to groundbreaking they could have definitely be improved, the characters look very soft and some (nice guy eddie) look very odd, as for the rest they arnt bad, blonde looks like blonde... Read Full Review
Good Game, one for the fans really.. far too short also, completed it in no time, Fantasic soundtrack tho. You get to play the parts of all the guys from the movie, most of the game is basically run, shoot, kill and t... Read Full Review