i looked at the reviews on gamespot and didnt want to play the game but rented it anyways and i was very surpised.
the resion i got the game is because it is made by my favorite video game company and i liked the movie so i rented it.
i noticed that gamespot gave it a 4.6 and i dont think that i was all that bad.
like im not saying it was a 10 but adleast give it a 6.
i liked the game because you could take people hostage, you could shot and brake almost every object, you can throw tear gas at people, you could throw flash bangs at people, you could throw smoke bombs at people.
it also had some great wepions like shot guns, machin guns, hand guns, tommy guns,sniper rifles and many many more.
the bad part of the game is you couldnt walk around were ever you want.
like you cant go out side in the middle of the game and the other bad part was the fact that there is always cops were ever you go like come on why is swat on every single corner was there like a sale at tim hortans " free donuts"
that is what i hink about the game