Read this it tells you everything.......................................BANG,BANG
Know the game i havn't play it because they have had band it in Australia that sucks for me [big fan] so i don't know that much about that game, but other people say that game isn't that good, but if someone gave me the game and they didn't like it, i say different i say the game is good because you get to see the parts that you wouldn't see in the movie and i think that game would be greate, but then people would say it is c.r.a.p and the movie is better, well you would just have to play it to find out.
Know i don't know why they band it in the first place because they said there was to much blood or it something something, don't know hate that they bane it in Aust but what can you do?
I think that it is a good game so just play it and, rock the house.