Bio Hazard 0 (Wii import) review

User Rating: 7 | BioHazard 0 WII
Yes, Bio Hazard 0 (Wii) is almost identical to its Game Cube edition. So, for a review of Bio Hazard 0's core gameplay, visuals, etc., please see Gamespot's review of Resident Evil 0 (GC). The changes are minor, but there are changes.
Let's start with the obvious, this is a Japanese Wii game. Save games go on the Wii directly, not a Game Cube memory stick. In the channel menu the game's name is displayed rather than a default Game Cube disc icon. Finally, since this game is made for Japan only, there are subtitles (I am fairly certain you can't turn them off). The English audio will be just as you remember/as presented in the Game Cube version. Also, most text in the game, including item descriptions, is in Japanese.
The actual addition to the game is the ability to use your Wii remote and nun-chuck instead of a Game Cube controller. Also, they added support for the classic controller. Bio Hazard 4 (Resident Evil 4), when played on the Wii uses very different controls than previous games of the series. So, for people who become so used to those controls it almost hurts to pick up a Game Cube controller anymore, this game is for you. The way you control the characters in Bio Hazard 0 is identical (save point of view and aiming) to how you controlled characters in Bio Hazard 4.
It is a little difficult to notice in Bio Hazard 4, but the controls that so many people say make you feel like a tank in the older games are actually used. The now normal way to move your character in games is with reference to the camera like in games such as Devil May Cry. You press up, your character moves away from the camera. You press left, and the character moves to the left side of the screen. So far all the main Bio Hazards have used controls that are based on the characters' perspective, not the camera's. This does feel like you are controlling a tank to some extent. Bio Hazard 4 avoided this problem by fixing the camera loosely behind your character. So, similar to first person shooters, your character's eyes are practically the camera. If you can keep the camera still in Bio Hazard 4 though you can tell the character based perspective controls are used and not a camera based scheme.
So, when I say movement and item interaction controls are identical for Bio Hazard 0 (Wii) and Bio Hazard 4 (Wii), I mean it. Running is handled with the same controls as is turning completely around. You even access your inventory by pressing the same button. However, the map button in Bio Hazard 4 now changes the character you control. And the D-pad on the Wii remote is used to move your spare character if they are in the same room. One of the best similarities for people who played way too much Bio Hazard 4 is that raising your weapon is still done with the B button and firing is still done with the A button. And while holding down B you can change to the shoot high pose by pressing up on the analog stick or the down pose by pressing down on it. The port of the controls feels very natural.
Unfortunately, no motion controls are used despite the Wii's capability. I was very disappointed when I tried to reload my handgun with a quick flick and nothing happened. Another minor note is that vibration on the Wii remote is just as you would expect it to be.
In almost all aspects, Bio Hazard 0 (Wii) is the same as its earlier generation. The load times are even about the same. If you have played the Game Cube version and you still like it, do not waste your money on this version. If you are like me, and you just can't use Game Cube controls after playing too much Bio Hazard 4, this version might be worth picking up.