This is by far the third best Resident Evil game in the series next to Resident Evil Remake and RE 4 this is great.
This game is with Rebecca Chambers & Billy Coen who Rebecca is S.T.A.R.S. and Billy is former army soldier who was framed for indirect orders from leading commander and was sentenced to death, Rebecca's Bravo team find the chopper with the people dead and Billy Coen missing all that was there is his criminal file. This game has to do with the founder of Umbrella who was killed by Albert Wesker and the scientist from RE 3 who is killed by hunk and takes the virus before he goes to reak havoc among them. They found his lab and killed him, but his leech gave him eternal life and he is back to get revenge on Umbrella and Wesker. He is the one whon causes the outbreak at the train, mansion, and the laboratory.
This game gives you both good insights to the first game and the fifth game especially if you get to the end because you just might figure out who the lead character is. No further comments........
Words Of Edvice: If you find it definitley buy it!!!...