i heard from a friend that re0 was a awsome game and that its fun. i went 2 get it and i was like ok i hope this is fun. it started out with extreme cg like graphics and i was like WOW THIS IS A GOOD GAME then i got 2 the gameplay and was like.....well its not that bad. then i got into it and realized that the plot was interesting and that all games in the series are like this (re4 hadnt been realesed yet). after i beat this game i got all the other re games (some of them on the ps) and enjoyed those. its good when u play the prequal before the first one cause i understood what rebecca was doing in the mansion and how she got there. i hope billy makes a return in one of the games.
In 1996 Capcom changed gaming forever when the release Resident Evil for the Playstation, the story of how Alpha team entered the Spencer Mansion only to find that their compatriots had already been all but obliterated b... Read Full Review
I started playing Resident Evil in the way a lot of people did: Resident Evil 4. It was the first game of the series that took a turn for the accessible, abandoning the infamous tank controls (which I now adore, to be ... Read Full Review