Resident Evil 0 is a great prequel to Resident Evil 1, providing the same classic gameplay that gamers love...

User Rating: 8.5 | Resident Evil 0 GC
Resident Evil 0 is a direct prequel to Resident Evil 1, obviously.

The game brings forth some new ideas, which came in really well. You actually control two characters throughout the entire game, Billy and Rebecca. It's extremely fluent and fun, and you can learn to play more strategically which changes the gameplay mechanics. Some puzzles require both characters to do as well.

The puzzles in this game are relatively quite simple. The animal puzzle found in the basement in the umbrella mansion would probably be the best. The rest are extremely easy. So if puzzles jar you up, you won't need to worry.

The biggest downside to this game is only being able to carry 6 items, for both Rebecca and Billy. You'll constantly be throwing things on the ground, and leaving items, then having to run all the way back to pick them up. Because there are no item crates in Resident Evil 0, this is what you'll have to get use to. You'll be doing quite a bit more "micro-item managing", which is a slight pain. Transferring items to characters, dropping items, combining items, going back to pick up items you left is not what this game should be about. An Item crate would have really fixed this issue.

I would advise anyone, even if they are a Resident Evil veteran such as myself, to play this on Easy mode. Normal mode is actually very hard. The game doesn't leave enough resources to take care of both characters, so you'll find yourself limping around most of the time, and having to reload too much. Easy mode is actually, extremely easy. Almost too easy. They could have fixed the difficulty a bit more on normal mode to lessen the gap.

You'll be battling S.T.A.R.S. zombies, Lab zombies, Hunters, T-Virus Apes, and this stupid Parasite Zombies which are the biggest pain in the game. They take WAY too much hits and the problem is, they explode after you kill them. The way around this, is as soon as it's about to explode (just the legs remain), find a door and enter it. They are still a pain, especially in normal mode where your resources are quite scarce.

The game isn't too short. It will take over a day of play to beat it, speaking that you don't have a game faq in front of you (cheaters!). It's about the same length as Resident Evil 3. Not too short, and definitely worth the $12 price.

The FMV's are really awesome. The ending is kinda weak, but oh well.


•Being able to control 2 characters adds new strategic value
•Easy mode is extremely easy, which could be good I guess
•Graphics match the quality found in the RE1 remake
•Provides some great scares
•It's low price-point makes it a great value
•Some really awesome FMV's to watch
•A really fun mini-game
•Great boss fights


•A little on the short side, but not too bad
•No Item crates, too much dropping and item managing
•Normal mode is too difficult for your first time through RE0, as it provides too little resources for both players

Resident Evil 0 is a great prequel to Resident Evil 1, providing the same classic gameplay that gamers love. If you had fun with Resident Evil 3, you'll love this one. It's a must for every resident evil player.