This game is well known to many people to be the worst tilte to the Franchise of resident evil.maybe becuase of the no item boxes or that you have to make sure 2 characters dont die instaed of one.Of course this game is my least favorite as well but its still a RE title and it does give you a good playthrough.Basically only get this game if your a really big fan of the resident evil games because you may get really frustrated while playing the game.There is more thinking about how to solve puzzles than action for this game.The zombies didnt seem that hard to kill either.all in all the graphics were great,sound was great,gameplay the same as almost all resident evils,Value, there are some exstras but its nothing you will want to keep playing every day.To finnsih this review it gives a little more in deph explanation as to what was happening before the mansion incident in the RE1 and shows you made the T-Vrus as well.ITs worth renting but only buy it if you really trully are a fan.But to be its a ok addtion to the Franchise but it still isnt as good as other of the RE games.
In 1996 Capcom changed gaming forever when the release Resident Evil for the Playstation, the story of how Alpha team entered the Spencer Mansion only to find that their compatriots had already been all but obliterated b... Read Full Review
I started playing Resident Evil in the way a lot of people did: Resident Evil 4. It was the first game of the series that took a turn for the accessible, abandoning the infamous tank controls (which I now adore, to be ... Read Full Review