Kind of a let down compared to the remake. ( some secrets spoiled )
Gameplay: In this Resident Evil, the gameplay sort of takes a step backwords than forwards. First of all, where are the defense items Capcom? The defense items that really improved the gameplay of Resident Evil in the remake are gone. Capcom you shouldn't have taken the defense items out. The new action of being able to change characters on the fly is a good step forward. That is a pretty good feature Capcom installed into RE0. But again, you don't notice the good side of the gameplay because the bad stands out more. Besides not having any defense items, you can drop items on the fly as there are no treasure chests this time around. That may sound really cool for a Resident Evil game at first but don't jump for joy yet. It just may come back and bight you in the ass. Let me axplain. Say you found an important item but you had to drop it to recieve another item. So you drop it and as you are progressing through the game, you find a puzzle that requests that item you dropped. Now you have to go all the way back to that same room where you dropped the item. So now you'll be backtracking. You'll be doing this alot during the game and it can get very annoying. So although it's a helpful gimmick for an RE game, it provides more backtracking than any other RE game in the series. Good first effort though Capcom. Your character once again controls like a car or some type of vehicle. You still have your action button and so on. Every other facet of the controls are basically the same. Overall the gameplay takes a step backwords rather than forwards.
Graphics: Well to those of you who have played the remake, this will shock you. The graphics in Resident Evil 0 are actually better than the graphics in the remake. If you don't believe it, that's okay because I didn't want to believe it either but after spending a long hard look at the tv screen, I noticed that the graphics are better than the Resident Evil remake game. Just a little bit more detail in this game than in the remake. Everything is definetely in this game. Background detail as well as details on the monsters are definetely noticeable. You can see the zombies rotten skin and you can already tell that they are litteraly the walking dead. As for the background, everything you'd expect to be in the environments is there. The players also have a lot of detail as well and they blend in well with the environments. Overall the graphics in this game is basically X-Box graphics and if you don't believe me go and play the game yourself. This is another reason why I'm waiting for Resident Evil 5 because the graphics in that game is going to be better than the remake and resident evil 0 graphics and on top of that in Resident Evil 5 the graphics may be full 3-D. In Resident Evil 0 some or all of the backgrounds are more of a 2-D pre-rendered like graphics.
Sound: Nothing new in the sound department besides some new Resident Evil tunes. Resident Evil 0 has the same monster sounds as well as the same gun sounds when you fire your weapon so nothing much to say in this department. The guns and monsters do sound pretty convincing though but nothing new still. For non-Resident Evil fans, since the tunes are the same thing, that doesn't really mean that the sound sucks. The erie music and the scary sounds the monsters make combined with the graphics will make you pee your pants and you won't be able to sleep for a week.
Playability: The same clunky controls. You'll still get the feeling that you are controlling a tank instead of a person. Something new to the Resident Evil series is that you can now drop off items instead of bringing them back to the treasure chest where all your items are being kept. The treasure chests no longer exists anyway. This may sound excitng but the fact is this actually causes more backtracking than other resident evil games. This is because the treasure chests were each in one area but when you drop an item off you have to go back to that exact room to get the item you want so youll be running all over the place.
Entertainment: The graphics will once again keep you coming back but if that doesn't there are a number of unlockables in the game. There is a mini game where you can earn more special stuff for the main game, theres 2 secret weapons to unlock and there are also alternate costumes so you should be playing this game for a while. All in all Resident Evil 0 falls a bit short due to the control and same usual sounds. It is intresting because it answers some long time resident evil questions and also let's you drop items off and let's you be able to switch characters on the fly but, one of the new gimmicks also let's this game be sort of a dissapointment compared to the resident evil remake. They also didn't keep the defense items from the remake. On top of that the sound doesn't bring anything new to the table. All of this is just my opinion because after all I'm a big Resident Evil fan so I've been following capcom all the way. So I've also heard and seen past RE games before. I would still suggest buying this game because it's still good. It's worth the resident evil name but people who have been following the series will be a tiny bit dissapointed after playing the remake. Newcomers feel free to check this game out as well as long time resident evil fans because this game is still well worth owning and I suggest you pick it up as soon as possible.