Despite the small attempts at originality, this is just more of the same old Resident Evil-formula.
User Rating: 7 | Resident Evil 0 GC
It seems with old tired series that Capcom churn out new sequels and prequels of like they are not going out of style, you have to be really innovative and turn everything upside-down in order to achieve success. Resident Evil 4 is an example of a much-needed injection of originality which made that one into a darn good game. Resident Evil Zero - the warm-up to the eagerly awaited official fourth part of the series, is like my classification that suits it so well, rather uninspired actually. You play Rebecca Chambers from Chris's story in the original Resident Evil, AND Billy the rouge marine on his way to fry in the chair - whatever his last name is. This double-dragon duo match up combo tag-team, thingy, is one part of what's so hot and fresh about RE0. The other is that the magical item boxes are now over and done with. Their absence is replaced with the amazing ability to drop the items in case you'd run out of space in... whatever the characters place their items in. And trust me on this one, you WILL run out of space before you even wanted know it. Rebecca Chambers is without a shard of a doubt the single worst character in the history of the Resident Evil games, all categories. She sucks. I hate her guts. Everyone does. Rebecca is 18 years old and has a university degree. Wow. Good for you, Becca. She is a wuss (what is this character doing in a violent horror game?!), she can take absolutely no damage; she dies if a monster just looks at her. She's like the weak and apathetic princess at the end of the game that you're going to save, only she's the main character in this one! You get the point. They shouldn't have made Rebecca one of the main characters here is what I'm trying to say. There are a few other nice ones to choose from if you are going to do a prequel to Resident Evil like RE0 is, like Wesker or whoever. More than being somewhat innovative, playing with two characters is also a bit of a pain in the butt. You never want to play as Rebecca since she is dreadful, but sometimes you have to, to solve a puzzle and the alike. It's a bad idea overall this, and I for one hope it never reappears in future RE-games. Having to search the map for all those items you've been forced to drop is a chore, too. Some weapons and tools even take up two spaces! Are there any good parts about this game then? Yeah, sure. Shooting monsters and solving puzzles is as fun as it used to be, don't worry about that. The graphics look a lot like Resident Evil: Remake, and that means they're pretty nice all right. Um, I guess that's about it. The story is somewhat intriguing but also feels like an after-construction, and gets sillier than necessary as it progresses even for an RE-game. The boss-monsters are not scary anymore, they are just various sorts of vermin magnified to size X-large. Last and least like in all the other RE-games, the first place you get to is cool but the rest are boring. Yes I've been to a mansion and shot zombies there before Capcom, what's the big deal. Speaking of the mansion in RE0, the new leech-zombies look freaky, but I can't say I like them that much because they are too hard to kill compared to how scarce the ammo is. If you liked REmake, RE0 is absolutely worth checking out. Don't expect it to be as good though or you'll easily get disappointed. Today I'd say picking up Resident Evil 4 is a better bet though, since it simply is a much better game.