try it out, and you're not gonna regret it

User Rating: 9.5 | Resident Evil 2 (UK) PS
runnig around lookind for some shells for your shotgun has never been so exciting... and scary...

the graphich is real good, as usual for these serie games.the same you can say for sounds and movements of the characters. you can't say the same for the lipsink. sometime you hear a voice and none speaking, and vice versa... the voices are adapt, but the timing you hear them... well, lets say it is kind of funny...

the game is real good. it really scares the very heck out of you! the story is good, there are weapon to unlock, as well as secret dress's. there are even some secret characters (hunk, a secret agent from umbrella, and tofu, a giant piece of tofu cheese, with hands, legs,... and a combat knife...)special mention has to be done of two things: first, the enemies. they are all great and all different, and all convincing, all dangerous and all scary, at least the first time you have a face-to-face with one of thm in a close combat. and believe me, you can have all the space you want, but you'll be afraid even of a zombie in normal difficulty, has you ammonition will run short. and they will...
the second special mention has to be done to the weapon: they are a lot, they are different, and you'll love all of them (even if i'm damn sure your favourite weapon will be now and forever after you finish the game with both, the upgraded magnum... ahhh) and there's nothing better than to make some half a dozen heads of zombis blow up with a single shot of magnum. you can do that with a shotgun, but the best trick with it will be to cut in two the zombie in front of you, and while the legs will fall and stop, the upper part of the body will still try to reach for you!

the bosses of the game are scaring, and you'll kind of respect everyone of them, because they'll make you sweat and swearing... when in the b-game you'll see that even the upgraded magnum doesn't seem to effect the tyrant... well you'll most probably swear. in that game the magnum is another word for security. and you'll really feel the power with it.

buy it. play it. have fun. that's the only thing i can say.