Warning: Spoilers
This is a game that I was waiting for a long time. This is a special game. This is a brilliantly made resident evil 2 remake. I was pulled into this game right from when I started playing it. The intense situation you are pulled into when this game starts, it is really scary. The 2 campaigns, Leon and Claire campaigns are great. Looking at the situation happen from the view of a different character. There were some nice differences I noticed. There is a 2nd run playthrough you can choose from the main menu which will change some things around while you play the game making you rethink how everything works in the game as items are in different locations through the police station. The 2nd run gives you what is the true ending of the game which is really satisfying. The zombies in this game are the best zombies I have seen in a game, the way they move and attack you. They look and feel like real zombies. The weapons in the game are awesome. There are safes you can unlock which give you useful items that will help you to stay alive in this nightmare. There is a gunpowder combining system in the game that is cool. The atmosphere of the resident evil 2 remake is really unsettling and creepy. This is a real resident evil game that feels like resident evil. The item management system, I really had to think about what to do with my ammo and guns and healing items and keys. There are hip pouches throughout the game that increases your inventory to carry more items. It felt good when I found them. Each time I found a new weapon, it felt like a nice reward. There is a tall frightening bioweapon called Mr X in the game who follows you all around the police station that is a unstoppable force like the terminator, you can't kill it. All you can do is run. There is lots of tension with this monster stalking you everywhere and you have to think about how you are going to handle the situation. It is a game where I never felt safe. There was always something threatening to rip me to pieces. The mutated William Birkin boss battles were intense. There was a sequence that was scary that didn't have any zombies in it where we were playing as a scared little girl running away and hiding from a madman wanting to harm the little girl. That was a surprise and for a resident evil game, it was dark. This game is the resident evil franchise at its best ever. I would love a resident evil 3 remake. This resident evil 2 remake was so well made. They should make more games in this franchise.