Well at first, I find it so difficult playing this game. But as I play everyday I have been able to enjoy it many times!

User Rating: 8.7 | Resident Evil 3: Nemesis PC
I have played this game 2 years ago and I have been so impatient to learn and my time to play it very easy has finally arrived after my consecutive playing of this game in many weeks on my pc, I felt so satisfied on using Mikhail on the mercenaries game and I have also managed to use Nikholai also!! And today I'm on my way to unlock Jill's diary without looking into the spoilers, It's really fun to unlock the game's in-plots and secrets just by playing it on hard mode everytime. I have already unlocked 2 of the EPILOGUES and I'm playing again to unlock the third one! I really want to unravel the mysteries of the game just by playing it, it is the thrill of this game and it is the very important part of a game's story....