You Know You Want It!
User Rating: 10 | BioHazard 4: Wii Edition WII
The Wii impresses whoever is to get their hands on its controller and by the looks of the trailer....its gonna be a work out! RE4 came back on the GC and PS2 as a hit and non-stopping one too, for many gamers out there this was a revolution. Now with the movement of Leon in your hands this is a what you call an Evolution. If you already played RE4 on the PS2 and GC then you already know what is up. But to allow yourself actual have a feel of what it is really like to be in a situation that you must! Jump on top of a monster, swing the knife back and forth, and have big boy falling down to your feet... now that is worth your 30 dollars. Plus the bonus like Graphics, Gameplay, Sound; what do you have to lose?? So if your Resident Evil fan or just got a Wii and want to get some action into your system then by all means. Go Get RE4 for the Wii.