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User Rating: 9.1 | BioHazard 4 GC
This game supersedes all former resident evil titles on a number of levels, the graphics are easily the best to date having a smooth and organic look that escapes most of the other installments (minus Code Veronica). The sound is equally impressive with sound effects having an even larger variety than the standard zombie moan. The music is very suitable for each stage and presents the atmosphere very well. The only reason I don't give this game a clear 10 is because the story does not seem entirely conducive with the Resident Evil theme, but of course some interlocking twist may present itself in the next installment. Standing alone this game is creatively different from the other titles, in fact, I prefer it to the old standard of navigating around pre-rendered backdrops. You won't miss the standard zombies too much, the non-zombies in this game are far more threatening having the capacity to use weapons and work collectively, unlike true-zombies which typically just heard their way into your general direction. What really did it for me was the return of some old characters that fans of the game will definitely be familiar with, this made the story seem like less of a spin-off. All in all, worth your time and money.