A Rereview? Well, yeah their our so many games that have been rereleased that literally all my reviews could be rereviews, okay I’m exaggerating but their our certain reviews that I definitely would like to talk about in more depth, some of my older review might not be the greatest and I would like to think that I have improved also, so yeah let’s start this thing up.
So as many of you know Resident evil four is one of the most critically acclaimed games of all time it’s known as one of the best games of the sixth generation of consoles, also A lot of people love this game and I definitely completely think Resident Evil four deserves that acclamation, Their our some people that hate this game though and one of the huge reasons for that is because in a way it kind of killed the Resident Evil series… really? That’s a bit of an unfair criticism I get their reasoning though because five really wasn’t that great because It completely changed what Resident evil was, I get that, but you really are going to blame four for that? Well I guess the main criticism for Resident Evil four is that it’s very different compared to the first three, the survival horror is a bit more simplistic and some argue that there really isn’t any horror too speak of in this game, That really irks me, and sure I can see where they our coming from after playing the game over and over again sure the horror elements lose their luster, but that can happen with literally any horror game since you know what to expect after playing it so many times, and you can’t tell me that this game was not scary the first time you played this game, you had to at least be scared of the regenerators, those things are terrifying, don’t lie that’s at least one part that should be considered scary in this game and even going back and playing the game over and over still makes me uneasy when I have to see these creepy things. I couldn’t understand someone say that this game is not scary at all yeah their our moments where you don’t have to worry about anything but then theirs moments where you’re in the sewer or in a freezer with a regenerator these parts of the game are generally scary and to say they are not is just not true in my opinion at least.
Story: Playing Resident Evil four for the second time has made me just realize how truly great the story is, and It’s because Re4 doesn’t just show all its story in cut scenes it tells you most of the story in true to fashion Resident Evil style reading their our many save point areas where you will find writings from characters that basically move along the plot without even having to put a cut scene out to explain it, and I really like this because it paces the games story real well and if you’re not completely sure on what’s going on reading this stuff really helps you get a hold of what’s going on. The story in this one might seem simple but it’s actually quite complex, so basically the president’s daughter Ashley has been captured by a cult by the name of Los Illuminados it’s up to Leon to get her back as you go on into the game you learn that these people are being controlled by a parasite known as Las Plagas supposedly these people found these parasites that had been fossilized in the ground and their leader by the name of Saddler has a way of unfossilizing these parasites and then injecting them into their bloodstreams. In order to control these people, he then as I mentioned before steals away the president’s daughter in order to inject her with the virus in hopes that this will somehow manipulate the president to be injected… yes this part of the plan doesn’t really make much sense, I don’t get how she would pull that off but that’s what the story implies. This is basically the main plot of the story Leon’s main mission is to save the president’s daughter and get her off the island theirs many different things going on in the story also but I refuse to spoil it because this game is a must play and you should really be looking at it for yourself. As far as the story goes I think the reason that it is so good is due to the characters in this game this is probably a huge reason why Leon Is the most favored character in the franchise, is because in this game he is a complete bad ass.
Presentation: when it comes to presentation in this game its outstanding When this game first came out it was pretty impressive graphically and while it may not be the best looking game of this generation it still looks quite nice even though it’s just updated and not completely redone. One of the best things they did also is a new control scheme, not going to lie the controls in the regular Re4 just don’t feel good they feel really awkward but in this one they feel much better. Re4’s atmosphere too some isn’t scary and to some is scary and I think you have to realize to those people that say it isn’t scary is that the horror genre has changed quite a lot in gaming and while Re4 might not be one of the scariest games today, back when it came out it definitely could be. The music in the game is dark and dreary while some of it isn’t too memorable there are parts of Salazar’s castle where the music will really keep you on your feet, especially first time players. The presentation as a whole is really great.
Gameplay: Re4 plays like a traditional survival horror game as it should, even though some would argue that ammo doesn’t get to scarce during some points of the game, you still can’t just go shooting and expect an easy time beating the game. Most of the game you will be shooting zombies and then collecting gold from them to purchase and upgrade your weapons this is great because it feels like you are becoming stronger on your journey making you feel like a valid threat. As you go on playing. Re4 rewards you for exploration whether that be getting extra gold, or getting more ammo if you explore in the game you will most likely be rewarded for it and that’s what one should feel in playing a game like this, like you are scrounging for the things you need hence the survival feeling towards the game. After finding quite a bit of gold you will find a merchant, this guy literally has no backstory there is literally nothing to this guy but everyone love this guy and why? I mean seriously why do we love this guy? Well I guess if I had to answer that it would be the lack of details about him who is he? He’s infected if you look at his eyes so why is he helping us? It’s just little details that make this character stand out, there is literally nothing about this guy we know but yet most Re4 fans love this guy, and like I said my reasoning for that is that he is so mysterious, anyways getting off topic this guy is a huge help also he will sell you all kinds of weapons and not only that but you can also upgrade these weapons and this is one of my favorite things about Re4 is the progression of this if you know what you’re doing this makes the game easy in terms of what lies ahead because sure you can buy any weapon that you want but if you choose the right weapon and the right upgrades and keep enough storage for other things you need you will have no trouble for what’s ahead and I feel like that’s how survival horror should be not just surviving throughout the game on your skill level but also you skill level of what you will need to do on the journey ahead. So as you start Re4 about half of the game you will be playing as just Leon and then as you move to about the halfway mark of the game you meet up with the president’s daughter Ashley, a lot of people complain about how strenuous this is because you literally are basically babysitting Ashley but my counter argument to that would be if you know what you are doing in the game Ashley really isn’t as vexatious as one might think, there is always someplace you can tell Ashley to go to hide and doing this will make things a lot more easier against a big horde of Las Plaga’s, if you know how to play the game, you shouldn’t have much trouble with Ashley sure I will admit their might be a cheap death once or twice in a play through but at least for me I never had the problem of having constant deaths because of them either taking her away or killing her so all I can say is I don’t see the problem a lot of people see in that part of the game. One thing I will say that really bothered me in the game and many others have said so also is the quick time events, if you have read any of my game reviews with quick time events in them you will know I don’t completely hate quick time events if implemented correctly however there is one thing Re4 gets really wrong and that is its cut scene quick time events, what does every gamer do when a cut scene starts when they play a game well naturally I would think they would put their controller down and watch it but If you do this in Re4 guess what your dead, because in a lot of the cut scenes they will throw a quick time event in and if you don’t put the right prompt in at just the right time that’s it it’s time to restart the whole cut scene again, at least you can skip to the part of the quick time event in the cut scene right away but it still doesn’t change the fact that it’s really annoying! But to be fair at this point in time a lot of developers were implementing quick time events into their games because they were kind of testing to see if people liked them or not, well if you have noticed now there are very few triple A developers that use quick time events any more so obviously it wasn’t that great. When it comes to puzzles in this game, compared to other Resident Evil games they are pretty lax there’s nothing too hard to figure out and you definitely can probably figure most of them out by yourself. Re4’s game play is amazing I think most people would be able to at least agree on that.
(Spoiler Alert) The final boss is Sadler and Las Plagas completely transforms him into an enormous beast, the boss battle isn’t too hard if you know what you’re doing but can be a little bit of a struggle at times as you need to act fast in this battle but since this game is slow paced that can be a bit of a problem during parts of this boss fight, but if you have the weapons and the ammo this boss won’t be much of a problem. After defeating Saddler you cure yourself by using a special machine, and you jet ski off an island that’s about to blow up that’s it you did it and what’s this? Ashley wants to know if you want some overtime when you get back? Wait how old is she? Holy crap she is actually over eighteen who was surprised by this at the end of the game? I thought she was younger than that, oh well some overtime wouldn’t hurt I suppose lol, but Leon politely declines as there is someone else he cares for, oh man! Where’s the fun in that Leon? Lol anyways then the reflection starts about the journey you just went through and it made me realize sure Re4 is not a perfect game there is no such thing as a perfect game, but It holds a special place in my heart it’s a game that makes you think of the horror in the game then actually show you what’s going on in a plain old cut scene, it makes you contemplate your actions accordingly on how you should act next on your journey making all your decisions have meaning. It tells a story that might be horrifying on the outside but on the inside its quite sad and full of despair, it’s not a perfect game but to me it is.
Overall you can actually get this version of Re4 for twenty dollars I kid you not twenty dollars this is a must buy for that price and I know what you’re thinking, “but I have like six versions of this game” fine that’s fair I guess but if you have less then that you should definitely get this game because for twenty dollar the controls are much more streamlined and much better to handle, the graphics look pretty damn good, and I mean it’s twenty bucks why not? So get this game especially if you have never played it before.