This game is Godsend. Go and buy it now. Why are you still reading this GO!

User Rating: 9.7 | BioHazard 4 GC
All I gotta say is that this is one of the best single player experiences I've had in years. Everything from the music to the graphics to the tight controls makes this game almost perfect in my eyes. The story is incredibly ingaging and you will find yourself always guessing what will happen next. Of course like in all previous Resident Evil games, the enemies are top notch and incredibly cool, especially the boss battles. The level design is truley amazing and the locales are beautiful, and the characters are fun and scary at the same time, if thats really possible. Anyways, this game is beyond great, it is genre defining, much like the original Resident Evil. This game will go down in history as not only a classic but the greatest survival horror game ever.