Just as it promised, it took The Resident Evil Series in a bold new direction....and I couldn't be happier.
User Rating: 10 | BioHazard 4 GC
Where to begin, where to begin. This games greatness can't be expressed by words. But this is a review so I'll try. First off the gameplay is plain AWESOME! It is more focused on intense action scares rather than jump out and say BOO! scares. It's difficulty is pretty hard, not like Ninja Gaiden hard but the large amount of enemies and really good AI make it challenging unlike any other Resident Evil before it. Graphically the game is really amazing. The expressions on the Characters and even the enemies faces are so well done. The enviroments also look great. From the shanty Village to Ramon Salazar's gothic castle. The sound is the same as everything else... amazing. I'm not going to spoil anything and I'm going to stop my review here. Overall, it does just as it promised, it took the Resident Evil Series in a bold new direction....and I couldn't be happier.