It does not get better then this.

User Rating: 9.7 | BioHazard 4 GC
I am a long time Resident Evil fan, from the very first one i was captivated by the story and the depth that it contaiend. It allways went out of its way to let you know why you were killing what you were killing and why you were solving these wierd puzzels. Now comes Resident Evil 4, from the very first screenshots I was hooked. I loved every aspect i saw a bout it and made all my friends buy it, Guess what they loved it and ill tell you why. Resident Evil has been know for the tank controled charecters and for the weird camera, but thats all gone, you play vewing everything from behind the main character and when you aim your gun it zooms in so that you can get a better look at what you are shooting at. This all works great since if you shoot something in an especifc spot - the leg for instance- they drop to theyr knees or if they are rushing at you (wicth they probably are) they fall flat on the ground. Or shoot them in the head, they loose balance and start fumble about before you basicly..well kill them. Leon has tons of moves that he can do by pressing the A button when it pops up, from pushing crates to jumping out of windows or to dodge something (youll be doing that a lot). You really do feel like he was trained by the goverment and is very skilled in allmost every aspect of combat and this helps since what you have to do trough the game is kind of hard. But dont fret there are many weapons that he can use to help you on your adventure. Shotguns , pistols , sniper rifles and even chicken eggs ! Gaphicly Resident Evil 4 is amazing, never have i seen so much effort on detail and so much polish in one game, everything just works...the enviorements look totaly belivable and unexplainebly freaky. This really helps to make you feel fear and to actualy be carefull when normaly you would not be. Needless to say everything here is top notch. The sound also shines, the spanish people you will kill thought the early parts and the late of the game speak in theyr native tong so latin game players like me get an edge over others. For exemple when you hear somebody scream "De traz de ti !" That mean -BEHIND YOU - Also the music that pops in when you are fightin or just walking arround is perfect, you feel fear and tend to go about with more caution after you hear those orchestra plates hitting and a eerie song poping in. If you have dolby digital , it will immerse you even more. Just brilliant. When its all said and done this is a game that should not be missed. If you dont own a gamecube WAKE UP !! buy one. My brother that plays only nba live 2k5 sits down everytime i play just to see the "Action movie" as he calls it, invite everybody over and bring popcorn this is your blockbuster. -----