A kickass game even two years after it's first release, the new controls make it feel new again.
I'll skip the story and idea of the core of the game, since only those who have been in a coma for 2 years wouldn't know about it, everyone else has. It is my personal opinion that the GC version looked better on a wii than the GC, and I see a slight (on standard tv) improvement on that, in english the Wii Edition is the best looking, if only by a tad, it's still the GC engine, and that goes a long way compared to the PC version (the worst) and the PS2 version (a good alternative last year). The sound shines more here than in the gamecube version as well. The sounds of your guns being reloaded or setting up for the next shot (rifle, shotgun, etc) and the knife swoosh sound come out of the wii-mote. The sounds aren't super loud (even on full volume) and don't deminish the same sound through the tv, it's not overused and really immerses the game more than the GC version.
Gameplay is this version's most promising aspect, instead of fumbling around with an unsteady lasersight (which worked great on the GC) you now aim yourself, making it more steady shooting, when you keep your cool, panic, and your aim is hindered. The game also has a very nice "Search knife" It's a wonderful feature when needing to conserve ammo or open boxes or barrels or disarm bear traps. The interactive cutscenes also have gotten a wii bit of treatment (pun intended). Actions such as sprinting and swimming are now shaking the wii-mote. Dodging is either A+B, or a swipe of the wii-mote. Turning around quickly (the 180) takes a moment to get used to but it works. Aiming is done by well aiming, and the analog stick is used to turn the camera, compared to other shooter types, this seems a tad complex at the beginning, but it works best.
The game comes with all of the ps2 extras, breathing more gameplay options to keep the game alive, even if your first runthrough (as an experienced player as about 10 hours [took me 13 hours, 33 minutes and 43 seconds to beat the wii version my first time] and inexperienced players about 20 hours] seems short. Overall this version is the ultimate version, if you have a wii, pay the 30 bucks for this game, even if you own the gamecube version, don't like the wii controls? Play it with a GC controller or classic controller.