as ones first resident evil game it doesn't do the series justice... but who cares lets kill some dudes.
There are four reasons that you are still reading this which is:
A. you gots it already.
B. you have to finish this review before you get it.
C. waiting for it to come in the mail because your local video game store didn't have. (i actually saw a video game store w/o it because it sold out)
D. you are too young/parents are ********** and you are reading these reviews to satisfy your re4 appetite. but seriously the game has a mature label 17+ but now a days kids love gore and violence so i would say that you should be at least 15 to play it, cause no one follows the esrb codes.
if u still dont have it b/c your precious next-gen console fund must be untouched then please just take out 20 dollars to get it, plz.