Just what the Wii needed! Even if you have played this on playstation 2 or gamecube the wii version is a must-have.
. Very accurate Shooting.. the Wii remote is perfect for this type of play!
. Gripping Storyline!
. Great idea to add in extras e.g Seperate ways, pro version, The Merchanaries, movie browser ect.
. Graphics.. even after 2 years the Graphics still look Great!
Bad points - . Um.. its a 2 year old game?
. ?
Resident Evil 4 Wii edition is just what the Wii needed, I modern shooter with a long in-deph story. You take on your role as Leon s. kennedy who is sent to find Ashley Graham the presidents daughter who was kidnapped on her way home from university. This resident evil is a little different from the others there are no zombies, instead there are deranged europeans that have been injected with eggs from a mysterious bug. This allows there Lord, Lord Saddler to control them and he plans to take control of the world with this mysterious bug. The control scheme in this version is much easier than in the PS2 and GC version because using the wiimote as a gun to take head shots and foot shots is so much more easier and satisfying than doing it with a regular last-Gen remote. Some of cutscenes and monsters are genuinly scary. Well im going to make this a short review and end by saying If you own a wii you have to get this despite Gaming preference.