Only one word to say awsome
User Rating: 9.7 | BioHazard 4 GC
Resident evil 4 is a great game. The best in the series. With its hard diffulty and very fun boss fights makes this a hell of a game. the best graphics i ahve seen on the gamecube since resident evil. There are alot of fun fights in the game and they finaly fixed the combat that makes this game better. This game is so intense you can't keep your hand off the control. Your enimies are not zombies anymore because umbrella is long gone but they were replaced with these homicidle maniacs that the only thing they want to do is kill you and they will usualy try to gang up you so be careful but those maniacs are just inly the begining. But in the end resident evil 4 so far is the best game of 2005.