Even if you're not a survival-horror fan, you will still love this game.

User Rating: 10 | BioHazard 4 GC
Resident Evil 4 is one of those games to where if you are not a fan of the survival-horror genre or the Resident Evil series, you will still love this game. This game is a great game to start out the year, and a great game for the Gamecube in general. You play as Leon, the same Leon from RE2, he nows works for the government and is on a mission to find the President's daughter. Throughout the game you go through great looking enviroments, that are very detailed. The enemies are actually trying to kill you, they will chase you down. Unlike the Zombies from previous Resident Evil games, these guys can run, and will sometimes strategize a way to kill you. The sound in the game is wonderful, the background music makes you get a chill down your spine, and of course the squishing sound of their heads blowing up is great. Also unlike the previous RE games, the camera is behind the back, and not in a fixed area. The controls in this game are fit for this game, the contact sensitive buttons add more effect to the game, and it also occurs in cut scene. You can die in a cutscene if you don't hit the button(s). In the middle of the game, you have to protect the President's daughter. She usually doesn't get in the way. RE4 sort of pulls off an "Ico." Overall, this game is a must buy. Fans of the series and genre will still love this, even if you don't like the genre you will still love this.