Best Resident Evil to date

User Rating: 10 | Resident Evil 4 PS2
This is now my all time favorite Resident evil game (RE 2 was my favorite up untill now). The control are great and perfect for the way the action is handled, you still can't walk and shoot, but that gives the game a lot of tension, plus who can really aim perfectly and move fast at the same time. In essence capcom really didn't chage the control a lot the just change the camera angle to a behind the back perspective finally (what with Devil May Cry and Onimusha using the same kinda camera). All in all the camera and controls are great. For some reason another player review said that you can only walk in the game, either he can't read or he's just plain stupid because even the in game manual tells you that you have the ability to run.

people alyays seem to complain about not having enough ammo in Resident evil games, I never have that problem either everyone misses a lot (and by a lot I mean wasting 20 shot a room on nothing) or they just suck. I always had enough ammo to take on the next set of enemies. A word to the wise, use the knife on grounded enemies instead of using bullets it saves ammo. Plus when you shoot an enemie at a specific location they react in different ways. Someone running at you? Shoot em in the leg and watch them fall over. Enemies getting too close shoot them in the face and when they grag their face in pain follow up with a kick. Stuff like that happens all the time and keeps the game fun. The Story and acting is also great and putting in action sequences during cutscense was a gfreat idea as well. Simply put this is a great game.