This is a great game play experiences for gamers. Nearly everything within the game is strong, with few flaws.
The flaws,even though are in a small amount, become amplified compared to how everything else in the game is strong or average. Despite the fact that voice overs where more or less in sync to the game, some characters where voiced at the most, to a mediocre level. Dialogue also seemed stale and a little pointless at times.
In a technical sense, this was a very strong game. Character design and animation fit in with the story and wasn't too buggy and everything did flow very well. Backgrounds where very nice looking but sadly, were barely interactive. Play mechanics had a small learning curve but after they were learned, the game became addicting.
With the several minor dialogue set backs aside, story is what gave this game not only depth, but re-playability. CGI cut scenes where very smooth and gave the game an overall dark feel. Interactive cut scenes where also another innovative feature that kept the player on edge and aware to what is happening in game.
Interactivity is the reason why gamers play games, and Resident Evil 4 is not only one of the best in the series, one of the best games within recent decade.