A fun game to play aslong as you're not worried about jumping half a mile every second.

User Rating: 9.4 | Resident Evil 4 PS2
Resident evil 4, the latest game in the Resident evil series. A true horror game at its best, Right down to buisness, the gameplay is smooth and beautiful, full of lushus enviroments and gameplay changing events(Eg. rescuing a dog/wolf). So starting off, some of the only problems i found, is that you dont get the playing manuel until after you've killed atleast 10 Ganados and hundreds of crows, jumped out of windows, avoided traps and many other lethal parts. Second problem is that when aiming you're gun you tend to be slightly off centre, but this is made up for hours of fun. The Story:

You, Leon S. Kennedy, Has been sent to a remote part of the world, on a quest to find the Presidents Daughter, Ashley Graham, You have two Sidekicks at the start who fail to survive the opening credits, no stop and a long drop i guess you could say. after only a few seconds you are imediatly forced to react quickly to a axe wielding Ganado, Along the way, you will meet old friends and newones(Ada Wong, Luis Sera), and Powerful infected Bosses(Jack Krauser, Dr Salvador). But Whats this? Wheres the Zombies? well im sorry to say the T-Virus has been swapped to a even more scary Friend, The Plagas. Dont worry this will still scare the **** into you.


New weapons and old favourites make a apearance in this game, The Red9, Tmp, Killer 7 and many, many more, including my personal badguy killing weapon: Le Shotgun.


So many new monsters to give you nightmares: Ganados, Plagas Ganados, huge sea monsters, HUGE!! Giants, Crows(An Old RE Favourite)
Hooded Monks of Pure evil, Garradors, Verdugo, And the Iron Maiden(You Dont Even Want To Know)and this is only a SMALL selection of what you'll find in this dank and cold place.

This is truly a great and scary game.

Goodluck players!