The most enthralling and superb game I've played since Ninja Gaiden

User Rating: 9.7 | Resident Evil 4 PS2
Oh..what to say..what to say...I can honestly attest that this game bridges the gap between man and the thralls of is the revolution of maybe that is a bit extreme, but not by much. Guys this game is one of the most exciting experiences I’ve had since I’ve played Ninja Gaiden and Prince of Persia. From the eerie village of the ganados to the monk filled manifestations of the haunted castle...its all-just gravy.
The gameplay is highly addictive and keeps you coming back again and again for multiple play throughs. The visuals are impressive and really push the PS2 to the brink of its abilities.
Yet whats stands out as the most amazing thing about Resident Evil 4 for the PS2? Its ability to not become frustrating. Not to bash other games, but Ninja Gaiden and especially the Devil May Cry series while fun, have a tendency to become frustrating and annoying by it's implementations of save points coupled with unbridled difficulty..RE4 is nothing like that- it is thoroughly enjoyable from start to finish and is never cheap or unfair yet remains challenging. That is what keeps you starting over and playing through the story line again and again.
Separate ways is also enjoyable, but as I said before..its just gravy on top of an already stand-alone must BUY title. So stop reading this review..and go and buy what is undoubtedly the greatest game of the past 10 years. Greg Kassavin was right...I feel like this game came from a time portal from 3 years down the line...its just that good!